Privacy Policy

At Tradies Place Hardware (TPH) we take your privacy and the protection of it very seriously. We take every precaution to ensure your details are kept safe and secure, collecting and using only information or data that is required to provide you with our information, sales, purchase and delivery service.

At Tradies Place Hardware we want to ensure we provide you with a safe,secure and satisfied shopping experience. Keeping your personal information safe and secure is our priority.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information is information that identifies you or from which you may reasonably be identified.

The types of personal information that we may collect about you includes name, contact details, including personal and business addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers; and details about your purchases and orders from us and your product and services preferences.

We use the information gathered to enable your account and to enhance your online experience. TPH will not sell its database of customer details or details about customers to a third party. All information collected on this website will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned. We respect the right of users to remain anonymous and will endeavour not to knowingly disclose user identities unless directed by a court of law.

TPH may release customer information when we believe, in good faith, that such release is reasonably necessary to (i) comply with law, (ii) enforce or apply the terms of any of our user agreements or (iii) protect the rights, property or safety of TPH, our users, or others.

When you place an order through this website or by phone, we need to know your name, e- mail, phone number, address and credit card details if paying by credit card. This allows us to process and fulfill your order successfully. It also helps us in maintaining your account.

Your orders are processed through a secure server. The secure server software (SSL)encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. All of the sensitive customer data we collect is protected by several layers of encryption and several layers of security to prevent unauthorised access.

We will also collect personal data from you if you visit our store or if you contact us, including to make an inquiry regarding our products and services, to make a complaint, to provide feedback, to seek a refund, or to attend an event. We may also use your personal information to charge you for products and services we provide to you and to prepare invoices and sales records for such purchases, to provide advice regarding our products and services to you (or arrange for others to do so at our request), to deliver our products and services to you, to provide refunds and exchanges and to consider feedback and complaints that you may make to us.

Data is also collected via our security cameras or other cameras installed in our stores (including in car parks, pick up areas and store entrances).

We may use your personal information to promote and advertise our products and services (including by including your feedback in our advertising) and to undertake competitions and events, to personalise advertising and content displayed to you (including the layout and content of our website/apps, and advertisements displayed to you on or via third party websites, apps or platforms such as Facebook) and to undertake product recalls.

Providing the best possible shopping experience to our customers is important to us, so we may use your personal information to monitor our sales of products and services and for quality control purposes, including undertaking customer surveys and analysis, or seeking feedback from customers, to undertake data processing, data analysis and matching, market research or trend analysis to better understand our customers' preferences, personalise websites/apps and (where you have consented to receiving offers or direct marketing) to offer products or provide services of greater interest to you or engage in direct marketing.

We believe customers are integral to the success of every business and information collected during your interaction with us may be used to monitor and measure the use of our websites or apps, including web-based referral channels, data entered and user activity such as links clicked, to assist us to develop and deliver new products and services and in the case of inferred characteristics produced through data analysis, for improving products and service offerings.

Your personal data may also be used to assist us, our service providers and other third parties who we share information with for loss prevention or law enforcement purposes in investigating and preventing any potential, suspected or actual breaches of law or fraudulent activities, in the case of images from facial recognition software, for loss prevention or store safety purposes.

We may use your personal data for any other purpose disclosed to you at the time the relevant personal information is collected; and for purposes directly related to any of the above.

Website, Social Media Cookies and Data

Data is also collected when you interact with our website/app and/or social media platforms such as including by the use of cookies (which are small data files transferred onto devices when a website/app is accessed), tags and pixels (which 'tag' devices), which may track what you view on our website or apps and also other websites/apps that you visit.

Cookies, tags and pixels may also come from third party services (such as Facebook) for the purpose of collecting data to enable website or app performance measurement and personalised advertising.

This may also include information on software versions used, device identifiers (like IP address), location data (where available and not disabled by the user), dates, times, file metadata, referring website/app, data entered, and user activity such as links clicked, app installations, app launches, adding items to a basket, adding items to a wish list and making purchases.

If you have any questions or concerns about how your personal data is collected or used, please reach out to our team at:

Please include ‘Privacy Policy’ in the subject line.